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PeopleSoft Project Mgmt Application Mgmt Upgrades Technical Writing


Cadre Computer Resources, Inc. has experienced consultants that have been working with the PeopleSoft applications since the early 90's. We have experienced consultants that can assist you with:

PeopleSoft HRMS

PeopleSoft Financials

PeopleSoft Manufacturing

PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management

PeopleSoft CRM

PeopleSoft Portal

bulletMany of our consultants have been supporting PeopleSoft applications for over 10 years.
bulletIn addition to technically understanding PeopleSoft our consultants attend the same training courses you take at PeopleSoft to ensure we understand the functional aspect of the modules.
bulletWe understand the business process and can often prevent you from making a decision that will impact the process later on.


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Copyright © 2005 Cadre Computer Resources, Inc.
Last modified: 12/15/05